48. Reich, MS, DTT Flockhart, DR Norris, L Hu & CP Bataille. 2021. Continuous-surface geographic assignment of migratory animals using strontium isotopes: a case study with monarch butterflies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13707.
47. Knight, SM, DTT Flockhart, R Derbyshire, MG Bosco & DR Norris. 2021. Experimental field evidence shows milkweed contaminated with a common neonicotinoid decreases larval survival of monarch butterflies. Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (7) 1742-1752.
46. Herrera, DJ, SM Moore, DTT Flockhart, WJ McShea & MV Cove. 2021. Thinking outside the park: recommendations for camera trapping mammal communities in the urban matrix. Journal of Urban Ecology 7 (1) juaa036.
45. Flockhart, DTT, L Lipsey, DJ Herrera, J Belsley, ST Decker, SM Moore, E Robinson, RJ Kilgour, A Gramza, W McShea, MV Cove, R Haston, MR Slater, D Jo Bays, & JD Boone. In press. Evidence-based estimates of domestic cats in urban areas using collaborative and interdisciplinary science: the Washington D.C. Cat Count.
44. Grant,TJ, DTT Flockhart, TR Blader, RL Hellmich, GM Pitman, S Tyner, DR Norris, & SP Bradbury. 2020. Estimating arthropod survival probability from field counts: a case study with monarch butterflies. Ecosphere 11 (4) e03082. [pdf]
43. McCune, JL, SR Colla, LE Coristine, CM Davy, DTT Flockhart, R Schuster, & DM Orihel. 2019. Are we accurately estimating the potential role of pollution in the decline of species at risk in Canada? FACETS 4 (1) 598-614. [pdf]
42. Coristine,LE, S Colla, N Bennett, AM Carlsson, C Davy, KTA Davies, B Favaro, DTT Flockhart, K Fraser, D Orihel, SP Otto, W Palen, JL Polfus, O Venter, AT Ford. 2019. National contributions to global ecosystem values. Conservation Biology 33 (5) 1219-1223. [pdf]
41. Knight, SM, GM Pitman, DTT Flockhart, DR Norris. 2019. Radio-tracking reveals how wind and temperature influence the pace of daytime insect migration. Biology Letters 15 (7) 20190327. [pdf]
40. SM Knight, DR Norris, R Derbyshire, DTT Flockhart. 2019. Strategic mowing of roadside milkweeds increases monarch butterfly oviposition. Global Ecology and Conservation 19: e00678. [pdf]
39. Wilcox, AAE, DTT Flockhart, AEM Newman, & DR Norris. 2019. An evaluation of studies on the potential threats contributing to the decline of eastern migratory North American monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 99. [pdf]
38. Flockhart, DTT, M Larrivée, KL Prudic, & DR Norris. 2019. Estimating the annual distribution of monarch butterflies in Canada over 16 years using citizen science data. FACETS 4: 238-253. [pdf]
37. Van Patter, L, T Flockhart , J Coe, O Berke, R Goller, A Hovorka, & S Bateman. 2019. Perceptions of community cats and preferences for their management in Guelph, Ontario II: A qualitative analysis. Canadian Veterinary Journal 60 (1) 48-54. [pdf]
36. Van Patter, L, T Flockhart , J Coe, O Berke, R Goller, A Hovorka, & S Bateman. 2019. Perceptions of community cats and preferences for their management in Guelph, Ontario I: A quantitative analysis. Canadian Veterinary Journal 60 (1) 41-47. [pdf]
35. Flockhart, DTT, JH Acorn, KA Hobson & DR Norris. 2018. Documenting successful recruitment of monarch butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) at the extreme northern edge of their range. Canadian Entomologist 151 (1) 49-57. [pdf]
34. Vander Zanden, HB, CL Chaffee, A González-Rodríguez, DTT Flockhart, DR Norris, & ML Wayne. 2018. Alternate migration strategies of eastern monarch butterflies revealed by stable isotopes. Animal Migration 5: 74-83. [pdf]
33. Krikun, RG, JL McCune, EM Bayne, & DTT Flockhart. 2018. Breeding habitat characteristics of Canada Warblers in central Alberta. Forestry Chronicle 94 (3) 230-239. [pdf]
32. Satterfield, DA, JC Maerz, MD Hunter, DTT Flockhart, KA Hobson, DR Norris, H Streit, JC de Roode & S Altizer. 2018. Migratory monarchs that encounter resident monarchs show life-history differences and higher rates of parasite infection. Ecology Letters 21 (11) 1670-1680. [pdf]
31. Fraser, KC, KTA Davies, CM Davy, AT Ford, DTT Flockhart & EG Martins. 2018. Tracking the conservation promise of movement ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6:150. [pdf]
30. Kisiel, LM, A Jones-Bitton, JM Sargeant, JB Coe, DTT Flockhart, EJC Vargas & AL Greer. 2018. Modeling the effect of surgical sterilization on owned dog population size in Villa de Tezontepec, Hidalgo, Mexico, using a computer simulation model. PLoS ONE 13:e0198209. [pdf]
29. Wilson, S, JF Saracco, R Krikun, DTT Flockhart, CM Godwin & KR Foster. 2018. Drivers of demographic decline across the annual cycle of a threatened migratory bird. Scientific Reports 8:7316. [pdf]
28. Flockhart, DTT, & JB Coe. 2018. Multistate matrix population model to assess the contributions and impacts on population abundance of domestic cats in urban areas including owned cats, unowned cats, and cats in shelters. PLoS ONE 13:e0192139. [pdf]
27. Bieri, JA, C Sample, WE Thogmartin, JE Diffendorfer, JE Earl, RA Erickson, P Federico, DTT Flockhart, S Nicol, D Semmens, T Skraber, R Wiederholt & BJ Mattson. 2018. A guide to calculating habitat-quality metrics to inform conservation of highly mobile species. Natural Resource Modeling 31:e12156. [pdf]
26. Janke, N, O Berke, E Klement, DTT Flockhart, J Coe & S Bateman. 2018. Effect of Capacity for Care on cat admission trends at the Guelph Humane Society, 2011-2015. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science in press. [pdf]
25. Sample, C, JM Fryxell, JA Bieri, P Federico, JE Earl, R Wiederholt, BJ Mattson, DTT Flockhart, S Nicol, JE Diffendorfer, WE Thogmartin, RA Erickson & DR Norris. 2018. A general modeling framework for describing spatially structured population dynamics. Ecology and Evolution 8:493-508. [pdf]
24. Pitman, GM, DTT Flockhart & DR Norris. 2018. Patterns and causes of oviposition in monarch butterflies: Implications for milkweed restoration. Biological Conservation 217:54-65. [pdf] [infographic]
23. Earl, JE, S Nicol, R Wiederholt, JE Diffendorfer, D Semmens, DTT Flockhart, BJ Mattson, G McCracken, DR Norris, MS Rodriquez-McGoffin, WE Thogmartin & L Lopez-Hoffman. 2018. Quantitative tools for implementing the new ‘significant portion of the range’ definition for the Endangered Species Act. Conservation Biology 32:35-49. [pdf]
22. Flockhart, DTT, A Dabydeen, DA Satterfield, KA Hobson, LI Wassenaar & DR Norris. 2018. Patterns of parasitism in monarch butterflies during the breeding season in eastern North America. Ecological Entomology 43:28-36. [pdf]
21. Janke, N, O Berke, T Flockhart, S Bateman & JB Coe. 2017. Risk factors affecting length of stay of cats in an animal shelter: A case study at the Guelph Humane Society, 2011-2016. Preventative Veterinary Medicine 148:44-48. [pdf]
20. Flockhart, DTT & JB Clarke. 2017. Demographic consequences of translocation of overabundant Canada geese breeding in urban areas. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41: 231-239. [pdf] [Infographic]
19. Flockhart, DTT, B Fitz-gerald, LP Brower, R Derbyshire, S Altizer, KA Hobson, LI Wassenaar & DR Norris. 2017. Migration distance as a selective episode for wing morphology in a migratory insect. Movement Ecology 5:7. [pdf] [Infographic]
18. Flockhart, DTT, LP Brower, MI Ramirez, KA Hobson, LI Wassenaar, S Altizer & DR Norris. 2017. Regional climate on the breeding grounds predicts variation in the natal origin of monarch butterflies overwintering in Mexico over 38 years. Global Change Biology 23: 2565-2576. [pdf] [Infographic]
17. Kisiel, LM, A Jones-Bitton, JM Sargeant, JB Coe, DTT Flockhart, AR Palomar, EJC Vargas & AL Greer. 2016. Owned dog ecology and demography in Villa de Tezontepec, Hidalgo, Mexico. Preventative Veterinary Medicine 135: 37-46. [pdf]
16. Flockhart, DTT, GW Mitchell, RG Krikun & EM Bayne. 2016. Factors driving territory size and breeding success in a threatened migratory songbird, the Canada warbler. Avian Conservation & Ecology 11(2):4. [pdf]
15. Flockhart, DTT, DR Norris & JB Coe. 2016. Predicting free-roaming cat population densities in urban areas. Animal Conservation 19:472-483 [pdf]
14. Flockhart, DTT, TK Kyser, D Chipley, NG Miller & DR Norris. 2015. Experimental evidence show no fractionation of strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) among soil, plants and herbivores: implications for tracking wildlife and forensic science. Isotopes in Environmental & Health Sciences 51:372-381. [pdf]
13. Flockhart, DTT, J-B Pichancourt, DR Norris & TG Martin. 2015. Breeding-season habitat loss drives population declines of migratory monarch butterflies. Journal of Animal Ecology 84:155-165. [pdf]
12. Wellicome, TI, RJ Fisher, RG Poulin, LD Todd, EM Bayne, DTT Flockhart, JK Schmutz, K De Smet & PC James. 2014. Apparent survival of adult burrowing owls that breed in Canada is influenced by weather during migration and on their wintering grounds. Condor 116:446-458. [pdf]
11. Flockhart, DTT, LI Wassenaar, TG Martin, KA Hobson, MB Wunder & DR Norris. 2013. Tracking multi-generational colonization of the breeding grounds by monarch butterflies in eastern North America. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 280: 20131087 [pdf]
10. Norris, DR, DTT Flockhart & D Strickland. 2013. Contrasting patterns of survival and dispersal in multiple habitats reveal an ecological trap in a food-caching bird. Oecologia 173:827-835. [pdf]
9. Hanley, D, N Miller, DTT Flockhart & DR Norris. 2013. Forewing pigmentation predicts migration distance in wild-caught migratory monarch butterflies. Behavioral Ecology 24:1108-1113. [pdf]
8. Flockhart, DTT, TG Martin & DR Norris. 2012. Experimental examination of intraspecific density-dependent competition during the breeding period in Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). PLoS ONE 7(9):e45080. [pdf]
7. Flockhart, DTT. 2010. Timing of events on the breeding grounds for five species of sympatric warblers. Journal of Field Ornithology 81:373-382. [pdf]
6. Flockhart, DTT & KL Wiebe. 2009. Absence of reproductive consequences of hybridization in the Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) hybrid zone. Auk 126:351-358. [pdf]
5. Flockhart, DTT & KL Wiebe. 2008. Variable weather patterns affect annual survival of Northern Flickers more than phenotype in the hybrid zone. Condor 110:701-708. [pdf]
4. Schmutz, JK, DTT Flockhart, CS Houston & PD McLouglin. 2008. Demography of Ferruginous Hawks breeding in Western Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1352-1360. [pdf]
3. Flockhart, DTT. 2007. Migration timing of Canada Warblers near the northern edge of their breeding range. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119:712-716. [pdf]
2. Flockhart, DTT & KL Wiebe. 2007. The role of weather and migration in assortative pairing within the northern flicker (Colaptes auratus) hybrid zone. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9:887-903. [pdf]
1. Seidensticker, MT, DTT Flockhart, DW Holt & K Gray. 2006. Growth and plumage development of nestling Long-eared Owls. Condor 108:981-985. [pdf]